Informatics Club UZH
Official Computer Science Student Association of the University of Zurich

The ICU is the official non-profit student association for computer science at the University of Zurich. We offer a platform for our 1000+ Bachelor’s and Master’s students of all computer science course studies at the university of Zurich. The ICU allows you to take part more actively in university life: make new friends, exchange information about studying and computer science in general and take part in a variety of events. We also offer a range of services that can help you during your studies. As an active ICU Member you’ll have access to our association office (aka. The ICU-Lounge), where you can use our infrastructure to actively help shape the association, or simply have a coffee/beer and chat with other members or read our IT magazines. If you are interested in helping to shape the teaching area and the infrastructure of the UZH, then the ICU is the ideal place to bring your ideas.
The board represents the association members and is elected annually at the general assembly in September and takes care of the organization of the ICU in a pro bono manner. If you want to give feedback to the board or want to join us, you have come to the right place.
Board Members

Matthias Mylaeus
Joining the ICU has truly transformed my student life – I’m talking THE perfect study-life balance! As president, I’m proud to represent the face of ICU and work alongside the board to shape our future. Our success lies in teamwork, but none of it would be possible without you – our members! Curious to learn more and join us? You will find me at the table football ^^

Léonard Ménard
As the ICU’s chief money juggler, I keep the budget in check while deflecting wild spending ideas and creative “funding requests.” Also, if I’m not at my desk, I’m probably out chasing invoices or drowning in spreadsheets.

Seyyid Palta
I am the guy behind the scenes and it looks like I just hang around here and do nothing. Well, that is not exactly true and when you come to the lounge and everything is in order and nothing is messy, it’s because of me. Additionally, I write protocol during the meetings so that we can have everything recorded.

Chiara Wooldridge
As Studies Representative,
I’m your girl for all things Informatics at UZH!
From championing ideas to co-leading fvoec x ICU (the 2nd-largest VSUZH faction), I make sure our voices are heard. Multitasking is my talent, so catch me running around, color-coding my calendar, or debating life’s big questions. Together, let’s lead change and shape the future—your voice counts!

Christopher Narayanan
Partnerships & Sponsoring
As one of the partnerships wizards at ICU, I’m hustling to bring you job opportunities and cool & fun events with IT firms.

Céline Ziegler
Partnerships & Sponsoring
As the other one of the partnerships wizards, I’m working hard to maintain the relationship between students and companies so that you can enjoy a variety of events.

Elias Iskander
If you’ve ever been done dirty on an ICU post, you probably have me to thank for <3. As a member of the communications board, I create content such as videos and photos, as well as type away on the newsletters you (hopefully) enjoy! If you ever want to geek out about movies or cameras, come around to the lounge 🙂

Smail Alijagic
Sometimes you might ask yourself what the hell is being posted on Instagram or who is commenting? Well here I am, as part of the communications team I make sure to keep our insta up to date and also take care to present our events as best as possible.

Marc Amsler
If you ever saw someone running around and looking stressed at one of our events, that was probably me. As part of the events team, it’s my job to make all of our events as memorable as possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you’ve got any exciting ideas for new or current events!

Madeleine Soukup
Have you ever wondered why there is so many awesome events happening? Do you feel like that improves LIFE in your work-life balance? Great! I am part of the current events team and we make it our task to bring students together and have fun besides all the studies! You have a cool idea for an event? Please let me know & ICU there 😉

Ambros Eberhard
You probably enlisted at UZH to walk away with a degree in the end. It is my job as part of the events team to make sure your study life is more than that. If in the end you formed precious, unforgettable memories which are worth more than graduating the events team succeeded.

Nils Reusch
As the ICU’s tech bro, I’m here to turn your student struggles into smooth sailing. From upgrading our website to building solutions that simplify administrative headaches. I’m all about making your student life easier!

Joshua De Marco
You might wonder why a Computer Science Club needs a Tech guy? Well I‘m here to debug the chaos, upgrade whats ancient and make sure our systems don‘t go rogue (again). From renewing the website, to projects that include a lot of horsepower,
I‘m your guy.
Join the ICU board
We are looking for new board members!
Are you interested in how the ICU works and you want to actively participate in organizing events or helping out maintaining our IT-infrastructure? Are you interested in university politics and want to stand up for our students? Then become a part of the ICU board! Contact us via and tell as why you are interested in joining us as a board member.
Association statutes
Download our association statutes.